By: @Marcus Detwiler Assembly Member Blanca Rubio (AD-48, Baldwin Park) has introduced Assembly Bill 259 , CSDA’s sponsored legislation on the Ralph M. Brown Act. As introduced, AB 259 would eliminate the sunset associated with Assembly Bill 2449 (Rubio, 2022) , thereby allowing for...
By @Derek Cole , Partner, Cole Huber LLP 2024 was a mostly quiet year for developments involving the Ralph M. Brown Act (“Brown Act”). No major changes were made to the Act or in its interpretation. The Legislature passed two bills—one concerning the Act’s requirements for remote...
By: Laurence Wiener and Katherine Read, Richards Watson & Gershon Social media sites have become an essential tool for anyone who wishes to share with their friends and others information regarding birthdays, anniversaries, vacations and, perhaps, the latest news regarding their job. Of...
By: @Marcus Detwiler Assembly Bill 2449 (Rubio, 2022) enabled local agencies to use modified Brown Act teleconferencing meeting procedures for board members with a just cause or emergency circumstances necessitating their remote participation. CSDA is interested in collecting feedback...
Strengthening the Voice of Special Districts and the Communities they Serve By: @Kyle Packham In 2023, 25 special districts responded to CSDA’s three major Calls-to-Action earning the distinction as CSDA’s 2023 Advocacy All-Stars. On behalf of all special districts and the communities...
By: Victoria Hester, Partner, and Anne Branham, Associate, Best Best & Krieger LLP On October 8, 2023, Assembly Bill 557 (“AB 557”), sponsored by California Special Districts Association (CSDA) and introduced by Assembly Member Gregg Hart, was signed into law. This bill updates...
By @Marcus Detwiler On October 8, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 557 (Hart) into law, a bill sponsored by CSDA related to the Ralph M. Brown Act (the Brown Act) and emergency remote meeting procedures. AB 557 builds on the success of Assembly Bill 361 (R. Rivas, 2021) , an...
CSDA’s sponsored bill, Assembly Bill 557 (Hart) , passed the Senate Governance and Finance Committee 8-0 on June 7. CSDAs Legislative Representative Marcus Detwiler was joined by Soquel Creek Water District General Manager Ron Duncan in providing lead witness testimony in support of the...
CSDA’s sponsored bill, Assembly Bill 557 (Hart) , will be heard tomorrow morning, June 7, in the Senate Governance and Finance Committee. Provided that the bill passes out of that committee, it will next be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee — meaning AB 557 must pass both committees...
Last week, the California State Assembly took up Assembly Bill 557 (Hart) on the Assembly Floor, providing the chamber the first opportunity for its entire membership to vote on the legislation following its 8-0 passage out of the Assembly Local Government Committee. Assembly Members voted 78...
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