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Support Letters Due for Emergency Remote Brown Act Meeting: Bill Set for Hearing

By Vanessa Gonzales posted 04-18-2023 09:52 AM

remote meeting hand on ipad

Assembly Bill 557 (Hart) has been set for its first policy committee hearing, to occur in the California Assembly Local Government Committee on Wednesday, April 26. The deadline to submit a support letter for inclusion in the official committee analysis is 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 20. If passed, AB 557 would allow for remote Brown Act meetings during a state of emergency if it is unsafe for a local agency board to meet in-person.

No matter the time of year, California is vulnerable to states of emergency. This can occur due to earthquakes, wildfires, storms, or even a viral pandemic. To address the challenges that come along with this, CSDA is sponsoring AB 557 which builds on the provisions from Assembly Bill 361 (R. Rivas, 2021).

AB 557 will eliminate the sunset included in the provisions added to the Brown Act by AB 361, effectively preserving those provisions added by CSDA’s previously-sponsored legislation. AB 557 also revises the timeframe agencies have to pass a resolution reaffirming their temporary transition to emergency remote meeting procedures, increasing that window to 45 days (up from 30 days).

Special districts are encouraged to submit a support position letter to ensure the Assembly Local Government Committee’s analysis reflects its importance to communities throughout the state served by special districts. CSDA has established a page on its website where agencies can access background information, view sample letters, and/or authorize the submission of a letter of support on behalf of an agency using an automated process.

To download a sample letter, complete an automated form letter, and find additional information, visit

CSDA is also collecting experiences from its members about the impacts recent storms and other emergencies have had on district meetings. Please share your feedback by visiting

Those with additional questions or requiring assistance should contact Marcus Detwiler, CSDA’s legislative representative leading the effort behind AB 557, at  

