Cap on Impact Fees

SB 13 (Wieckowski) Was signed in to law by Governor Newsom on October 9

Thank you to all of the Special Districts and CSDA members who vigorously opposed this  legislation.  Despite the measure having been passed, your voices did make a difference and will continue to resonate in future discussion. Thank you for all that you do!

SB 13 attempts to stimulate the development of accessory dwelling units (ADUs), sometimes known as "granny flats" by, among other things,  severely limiting development impact fees for these structures.  While some positive amendments were able to be gained, such as those that exempt from the measure connection and capacity fees and charges like those  associated with water and wastewater, the bill  still  restricts crucial revenue for fire protection, parks, and other local services.

Specifically, SB 13 prohibits development impact fees on ADUs smaller than 750 square feet, and significantly limits the impact fees that may be charged to larger ADUs. Given that revenue for local governments is tightly restricted by the California Constitution, fees are one of the few ways that special districts can offset for the indirect costs of growth. Impact fees are critical for park and fire protection districts to adequately serve the very people the Legislature hopes to house in ADUs.

Special Districts were vocal in their opposition, sending veto request letters,  and even writing op-eds in the major newspapers and communicating their opposition throughout the legislative process, however the Governor signed SB 13 as part of a larger package of housing related measures. 

If you have any questions about SB 13, please contact CSDA Legislative Representative Anthony Tannehill at