CSDA Advocacy and External Affairs Officer Kyle Packham interviews NBS Director Sara Mares on New Law on Development-Related Fees By: Sara Mares, Director, NBS Development-related fees help fund the infrastructure special districts and other local governments build to support...
By: @Anthony Tannehill On Thursday, September 19, Governor Gavin Newsom signed several measures into law that the Governor’s office presented would “…strengthen California’s laws addressing the housing and homelessness crisis. The laws represent a comprehensive effort to streamline...
By: @Anthony Tannehill Development related fees are crucial to funding essential infrastructure to serve new homes and businesses. Senate Bill 937 (Wiener) risks costly delays for the water, sewer, parks, libraries, flood protection and other facilities necessary to meet the needs of our...
By: @Anthony Tannehill Development related fees pay for the costs to install infrastructure necessary to build new homes and other development in livable, equitable, and thriving communities. These fees pay for critical services such as water, sewer, fire protection, parks and open space,...
By: @Aaron Avery On August 1, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) adopted its Final Updated Surplus Land Act (SLA) Guidelines (Final Guidelines) governing the process for the sale and lease of surplus land owned by special districts, including mandatory...
By @Kyle Packham The last day for propositions to qualify to appear on the November 5, 2024 Statewide General Election Ballot is June 27, 2024. Below is an overview of the state-of-play and an executive summary of the most significant measures affecting special districts and the...
By @Mustafa Hessabi Last week, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case that may significantly affect the standard special districts and other local agencies must follow in order to show that impact fees (also known as "development impact fees" or DIFs) adopted by an...
On March 15, the Senate Governance and Finance Committee held an informational hearing entitled Bridging the Gap - Local Government Infrastructure . The hearing included a number of local government witnesses, including CSDA member Rancho California Water District (Rancho Water), speaking to...
By Rob Anslow and Jeff Hoskinson, Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo Beginning January 1, 2023, State law has been amended to alter, slightly, the process by which local agencies will be required to evaluate and impose water and sewer connection fees and capacity charges. ...
The State Assembly and Senate Committees on Appropriations each held their respective suspense file hearings on Thursday, August 11 to decide which bills will be moving forward and which bills will be held in committee on the Suspense File. Among the bills held under submission on the suspense...
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