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2023 CSDA Award Winners Announced

By Vanessa Gonzales posted 09-06-2023 12:48 PM


A big congratulations to all this year's CSDA Annual Award winners! Individuals and districts both received awards acknowledging their achievements in various areas including exceptional public outreach, leadership, and innovations! The awards were presented at this year's CSDA Annual Conference & Exhibitor Showcase held August 28 – 31, 2023 in Monterey.

Winning submissions from each category are as follows:

Exceptional Public Outreach & Advocacy Award (Small District Category) for to: Reclamation District No. 1000 for its 4Natomas - Levees. Lift Pumps. Lives. Longevity.

Exceptional Public Outreach & Advocacy Award (Small District Category): Reclamation District No. 1000 for 4Natomas - Levees. Lift Pumps. Lives. Longevity.

Exceptional Public Outreach & Advocacy Award (Large District Category) goes to: Tahoe City Public Utility District for its Tahoe City Public Utility District Takes Action to Protect Communities from Wildfires

Exceptional Public Outreach & Advocacy Award (Large District Category): Tahoe City Public Utility District for Taking Action to Protect Communities from Wildfires

Innovative Program of the Year Award (Small District Category) goes to: Camarillo Health Care District for its Adventures in VR

Innovative Program of the Year Award (Small District Category): Camarillo Health Care District for its Adventures in Virtual Reality

Innovative Project of the Year Award (Large District Category) goes to: Orange County Water District and Orange County Sanitation District for Recycling 100 Percent Local Reclaimable Wastewater Flows into High-Quality Drinking Water

Innovative Project of the Year Award (Large District Category): Orange County Water District and Orange County Sanitation District for Recycling 100 Percent Local Reclaimable Wastewater Flows into High-Quality Drinking Water

Excellence in Technology Award goes to: Soquel Creek Water District for Using Innovative Technologies to Ensure a Sustainable Water Supply

Excellence in Technology Award: Soquel Creek Water District for Using Innovative Technologies to Ensure a Sustainable Water Supply

Chapter of the Year Award: Tuolumne County Special Districts Association

Chapter of the Year Award: Tuolumne County Special Districts Association

William Hollingsworth Award of Excellence: Vincent Ferrante, Moss Landing Harbor District

William Hollingsworth Award of Excellence: Vincent Ferrante, Moss Landing Harbor District

Staff Member of the Year Award: Bridgette Burton, Management Analyst/Board Secretary, Big Bear Area Regional Wastewater Agency

Staff Member of the Year Award: Bridgette Burton, Management Analyst/Board Secretary, Big Bear Area Regional Wastewater Agency

Board Member of the Year Award: Charley Wolk, Fallbrook Public Utility District

Board Member of the Year Award: Charley Wolk, Fallbrook Public Utility District*

*Charley Wolk was unable to attend. Representing and accepting on his behalf were Fallbrook Public Utility District General Manager Jack Bebee and Board Member Jennifer Demeo.

General Manager of the Year Award goes to: Peter J. Kampa, CSDM, Groveland Community Services District

General Manager of the Year Award: Peter J. Kampa, CSDM, Groveland Community Services District

Ralph Heim Public Outreach & Advocacy Award goes to: Emily Barnett, Communication Services & Governmental Relations Manager, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District

Ralph Heim Public Outreach & Advocacy Award: Emily Barnett, Communication Services & Governmental Relations Manager, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District

CSDA and partner, the Institute for Local Government, also presented this year’s Beacon Leadership & Innovation Awards as follows:

(not pictured) Leadership in Climate Resilience and Adaptation: Marin Water for their Graywater Education Program

Beacon Award for Cross Agency Collaboration in Climate Adaptation goes to: OneShoreline for their Shoreline Planning Guidance Policy

Cross Agency Collaboration in Climate Adaptation: OneShoreline for their Shoreline Planning Guidance Policy

For more press content of these award winners or for questions about the CSDA awards program, contact CSDA Communications Specialist Vanessa Gonzales at (877) 924-2732 or at Thank you to all those who participated and submitted nominations this year. The 2024 CSDA award nominations will open in February 2024.


