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Doheny Ocean Desalination Project: A Step Towards Sustainable Water Solutions

By Vanessa Gonzales posted 08-22-2023 09:57 AM

Doheny Ocean Desalination Project logo image

By @Chris Palmer

In a region where the threat of prolonged drought is a persistent concern, the Doheny Ocean Desalination Project strives to be a glimmer of what the future could hold with the ocean as a reliable source of potable water for local communities. The South Coast Water District (SCWD) project has taken a significant step forward with the advertisement of its Request for Qualifications (RFQ) on July 27, 2023, aiming to establish a new, local, sustainable, and emergency water source that could redefine the way the south Orange County addresses its water challenges.

The RFQ is a formal invitation to interested parties to submit their qualifications for participation in the project. It signifies the project's intent to collaborate with experts, organizations, and professionals in the field of desalination and water resource management. This approach not only promotes transparency but also ensures that the project benefits from a diverse range of perspectives and expertise. Submissions for the RFQ will be accepted until 5:00 PM September 14, 2023. Qualified candidates will then be shortlisted and offered the opportunity to submit a formal proposal in response to the Request for Proposal (RFP) that will be advertised shortly thereafter.

Desalination: From Ocean to Faucet

Desalination is the process of removing salt and other impurities from ocean water, making it suitable for drinking and other domestic uses. The Doheny Ocean Desalination Project plans to utilize advanced, California Ocean Plan approved, desalination technologies such as subsurface slant wells, to convert ocean water into high-quality potable water. This water would then be distributed to SCWD’s (and its local partners) communities, offering a consistent and secure source of clean water. By tapping into the virtually limitless supply of ocean water, the project has the potential to provide a significant portion of the south Orange County’s water needs, reducing reliance on imported water sources that are increasingly strained.

Local and Emergency Water Source

One of the most promising aspects of the Doheny Ocean Desalination Project is its commitment to local water supply. The location of the desalination facility on property that SCWD already owns, which sits atop water importation pipelines from the Joint Regional Water Supply System (JRWSS) of which SCWD is the contract-operator, along the coastline, eliminates the need to transport water over long distances, thus reducing the associated energy costs and carbon footprint. This localized approach not only ensures a more efficient water distribution system for local communities but also promotes self-reliance and resilience in the event of a natural disaster. In a region vulnerable to droughts, earthquakes, and wildfires, having a backup water supply that can be activated during emergencies is invaluable. The project's ability to quickly provide a secure source of water in times of need could prove crucial in maintaining public health and safety during unforeseen events.

Sustainability and Environmental Considerations

While the prospect of a new water source is undoubtedly promising, environmental concerns related to desalination projects are not to be ignored. The Doheny Ocean Desalination Project acknowledges these concerns and is committed to minimizing its environmental impact. The California Ocean Plan approved co-mingled discharge will be employed to ensure that the brine (salty water) discharge is mixed with existing effluent from the adjacent wastewater treatment facility two miles out into the ocean minimizing the impact to marine organisms. Additionally, the project aims to integrate renewable energy sources to power the facility, reducing its reliance on non-renewable resources and further mitigating its environmental footprint.

Community Engagement and Transparency

As the project moves forward, community engagement and transparency remain top priorities for SCWD. Open communication channels, public consultations, attendance and presentation at community and NGO meetings, and ongoing collaboration with stakeholders will ensure that the project aligns with the needs and expectations of the South Orange County community.

In conclusion, the Doheny Ocean Desalination Project represents a remarkable stride towards a more sustainable and secure water future for South Orange County. By harnessing the power of the ocean, the project promises a locally sourced, emergency-ready water supply that could reshape the region's water landscape. As the project advances, partners sign on, and stakeholders engage in discussions, the potential benefits of the Doheny Ocean Desalination Project become increasingly clear: a sustainable solution to water scarcity that empowers communities to thrive even in the face of adversity.


