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CSDA Provides Lead Testimony on Data Breach Bill

By Vanessa Gonzales posted 06-20-2022 12:49 PM


On June 14, 2022, CSDA Legislative Representative Aaron Avery provided lead testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee in connection with Assembly Bill 1711 (Seyrato). CSDA has an Oppose Unless Amended position on the bill. 

AB 1711 will amend California’s Data Breach Notification Law (DBNL) applicable to public agencies and require that when a person or business operating a system on behalf of a public agency (e.g., a vendor) is required to disclose a data breach, the public agency will be required to post a link to the notice on its homepage for 30 days in specified contrasting format. The bill text can be viewed here.

Providing additional information to allow the recipient of a notice to make the connection between the vendor and the public agency they are working with is a laudable goal. However, AB 1711’s proposed requirements will unnecessarily add to a public agency’s costs and reporting obligations. Instead, CSDA and its coalition partners are seeking an amendment to the bill which will simply require a vendor’s notice to identify the public agency it was working with when it experienced the data breach. CSDA’s committee testimony focused on the merits of this requested amendment, which will not only provide additional information to the public without requiring additional public agency expense, but will also avoid other complications arising from the bill as written, such as cluttering homepages with mandated information, and potential security concerns.

CSDA’s testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee can be viewed here.

AB 1711 was voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee with the minimum number of needed votes (6-0), with an unusual 5 abstentions from the vote. CSDA will continue to engage on this bill as it moves forward to be considered by the Senate Appropriations Committee.


