Dubbed the “Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act” by its proponents, Initiative #21-0042A1 is formally titled: “Limits Ability of Voters and State and Local Governments to Raise Revenues for Governments Services.” Thus far, proponents have raised over $10 million and spent over $8 million to qualify the initiative. They claimed to have reached 25 percent of signatures required on March 16, 2022.
On January 21, 2022, CSDA’s Board of Directors adopted an Oppose position on Initiative 21-0042A1 and has called on all special districts to join the growing coalition of community leaders in opposition to the proposal. Thus far, over 100 local governments, labor and public safety leaders, and infrastructure advocates have formally opposed the initiative, including over 25 special districts.
To learn more about Initiative 21-0042A1 and download a sample opposition resolution that your special district can adopt, please visit csda.net/take-action/voterlimitations.