Email Retention Requirements Vetoed by Governor


On the final day to sign or veto bills, Governor Newsom vetoed Assembly Bill 1184by Assembly Member Todd Gloria (D-San Diego). If signed, the bill would have required public agencies to keep all emails sent and received by the agencies for at least two years before they could be deleted or destroyed. CSDA led the opposition coalition efforts to stop the bill's passage and with the help of many of our members sending in veto request letters we were successful in having the bill vetoed. In the Governor's veto message, he wrote that "[t]his bill does not strike the appropriate balance between the benefits of greater transparency through the public's access to public records, and the burdens of a dramatic increase in records-retention requirements, including associated personnel and data-management costs to taxpayers." We at CSDA couldn't agree more.

Thank you to all of the districts that assisted our efforts in the legislative process by voicing your concerns and submitting letters to the Governor asking him to veto AB 1184! We couldn't have done it without you.