CSDA Annual Awards

NOW OPEN - 2025 CSDA Award Nominations!

Deadline: May 1, 2025 

The CSDA Annual Awards showcase our members’ most valuable contributions to the communities they serve. The winners will be celebrated at the 2025 CSDA Annual Conference & Exhibitor Showcase in Monterey August 25-28, 2025.  The award categories are:

  • Board Member of the Year 
  • General Manager of the Year 
  • Staff Member of the Year 
  • Ralph Heim Exceptional Outreach & Advocacy 
  • Chapter of the Year 
  • Innovative Program/Project of the Year (Large and Small District categories) 
  • Exceptional Public Outreach & Advocacy (Large and Small District categories) 
  • Excellence in Technology  

All award nominations* must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, May 1, 2025. All award winners, except where noted, are chosen by the CSDA Professional Development Committee. 

To apply, select award category and click "apply now" below:

Individual Awards

To help navigate Special District Leadership Foundation achievements, visit sdlf.org to see lists of recipients for each program (click on "Programs"). 

Board Member of the Year

Nominations may be submitted for Board Member of the Year based on experience, effectiveness, and leadership. Examples must be submitted that illustrate the rationale for the nomination. Nominations should include participation in and contributions to CSDA, both locally and statewide, and Special District Leadership Foundation achievements, if applicable. (Refer to sdlf.org to see lists of recipients for each program). 

Apply Now Criteria

Eligibility Criteria:
  • Current board member of a California special district
  • District must be a member in good standing of CSDA
Evaluation Criteria
  • Participation in and contributions to CSDA
  • SDLF recognitions and accreditations.
  • Experience as a board member
  • Achievements on behalf of the district
  • Service and leadership in other professional, civic, or charitable organizations

General Manager of the Year

Nominations will be accepted for the general manager believed to have exhibited exceptional experience, effectiveness, and leadership in his or her district. Illustrative examples must be submitted with the nomination demonstrating how the individual has excelled and brought substantial benefit to the district and/or public. Nominations should include participation in and contributions to CSDA both locally and statewide.

Apply Now Criteria

Eligibility Criteria:
  • Current general manager of a California special district
  • District must be a member in good standing of CSDA
Evaluation Criteria
  • Participation in and contributions to CSDA
  • SDLF recognitions and accreditations.
  • Experience as a general manager
  • Achievements on behalf of the district
  • Service and leadership in other professional, civic, or charitable organizations

Staff Member the Year

Selected from nominations by special district board members/trustees or district management staff. Nominations should include length of service to the district and specific accomplishments during employment. Nominations should include participation in and contributions to CSDA both locally and statewide, and Special District Leadership Foundation achievements, if applicable. (Refer to sdlf.org to see lists of recipients for each program). 

Apply Now Criteria

Eligibility Criteria:
  • Current staff member of California special district (not a general manager)
  • District must be a member in good standing of CSDA
Evaluation Criteria
  • Participation in and contributions to CSDA
  • SDLF recognitions and accreditations
  • Achievement on behalf of the district
  • Service and leadership in other professional, civic, or charitable organizations

Ralph Heim Exceptional Outreach & Advocacy

The criteria for this award include a demonstration of exceptional engagement with the public, State Legislature, U.S. Congress, and/or other key stakeholders to promote the individual’s district and the entire special district community, particularly on matters related to CSDA’s legislative advocacy and public outreach efforts. Additionally, the individual may have initiated or contributed to significant grassroots, media, government relations, or community engagement efforts that are appealing and include creative, persuasive, and highly relevant content.

Apply Now Criteria

Eligibility Criteria:
  • Current board or staff member for a California special district
  • District must be a member in good standing of CSDA
Evaluation Criteria
  • Demonstration of exceptional engagement with the public, State Legislature, U.S. Congress, and/or other key stakeholders to promote the individual’s district and the entire special district community, particularly on matters related to CSDA’s legislative advocacy and public outreach efforts
  • Initiated or contributed to significant grassroots, media, government relations, or public outreach communications efforts that are effective and include creative, persuasive, and highly relevant content
    • Additional consideration will be provided to nominees that have actively participated in CSDA’s legislative Calls-to-Action, Take Action Month, Special Districts Legislative Days, and other efforts to strengthen the voice of all special districts.
    • Similarly, preference will be given to nominees that have participated in CSDA’s Districts Make the Difference public outreach campaign, Special Districts Week, and other efforts to raise awareness and understanding of all special districts.

Chapter Awards

Chapter of the Year
Chapters are an integral part of communication, advocacy, and education efforts throughout the State. CSDA will present an award to one affiliated chapter nominated for its effectiveness in legislative and community outreach, involvement in CSDA programs, and/or creativity with engaging special district leaders and supporting them in better serving their communities. This award is chosen by CSDA staff and may not be awarded each year.

Apply Now Criteria

Eligibility Criteria:
  • Affiliated Chapter of CSDA
Evaluation Criteria
  • Effectiveness in legislative and community outreach, member education, and creativity with activities on behalf of all districts in the chapter’s territory and/or an ongoing commitment to engaging special district leaders and supporting them in best serving their communities

District Awards

For the district award categories, the program/project/event must have been completed within the past two years (not prior to 2023).

Small District = budget under $10 million and Large District = budget over $10 million

Innovative Program/Project of the Year (Large and Small District categories)

The criteria for this award include originality of program/project, tangible and positive results produced, and a documented decrease in district costs or a demonstrated improvement in the district’s quality of service without significantly increasing costs. Additionally, the program/project should be easily adaptable and serve a best practices example for other districts. A broad range of “innovative” programs and projects are eligible, including, but not limited to, new services, offerings, finance, public works, tools, partnerships, and more. 

Note: Innovation can be defined as the introduction of something new, whether it's a product, process, service, or idea, that creates value and has the potential to transform or enhance a specific area.

Large District | Small District Criteria

Eligibility Criteria:
  • District must be a member in good standing of CSDA
  • District operating budget of $10 million and under for Small District Category
  • District operating budget of over $10 million for Large District Category
Evaluation Criteria
  • Originality of program/project, tangible and positive results produced, and a documented decrease in district costs or a demonstrated improvement in the district’s quality of service without significantly increasing costs
  • Additionally, the program/project should be easily adaptable and serve a best practices example for other districts

Exceptional Public Outreach & Advocacy (Large and Small District)

The criteria for this award include a demonstration of an increase in the district’s visibility with the public, State Legislature, U.S. Congress, and/or other key stakeholders. Additionally, the program may include improvement in district-constituent and/or district-stakeholder communication and evidence of communication pieces, programs, or tactics that are appealing and include creative, persuasive, and appropriate content relevant in communicating the district’s governance, policy positions, and/or program(s)/service(s). Additional consideration will be provided to nominees that have actively participated in CSDA’s legislative Calls-to-Action, Take Action Month, Special Districts Legislative Days, and other efforts to strengthen the voice of all special districts. Similarly, preference will be given to nominees that have participated in CSDA’s Districts Make the Difference public outreach campaign, Special Districts Week, and other efforts to raise awareness and understanding of all special districts.

Large District | Small District Criteria

Eligibility Criteria:
  • District must be a member in good standing of CSDA
  • District operating budget of $10 million and under for Small District Category
  • District operating budget of over $10 million for Large District Category
Evaluation Criteria
  • Demonstration of an increase in the district’s visibility with the public, State Legislature, U.S. Congress, and/or other key stakeholders.
  • Additionally, the program may include improvement in district-constituent and district-stakeholder communication and evidence of communication pieces that are appealing and include creative, persuasive, and appropriate content relevant in communicating the district’s governance, policy positions, and/or program(s)/service(s).
    • Additional consideration will be provided to nominees that have actively participated in CSDA’s legislative Calls-to-Action, Take Action Month, Special Districts Legislative Days, and other efforts to strengthen the voice of all special districts.
    • Similarly, preference will be given to nominees that have participated in CSDA’s Districts Make the Difference public outreach campaign, Special Districts Week, and other efforts to raise awareness and understanding of all special districts.

Excellence in Technology

The criteria for this award include demonstrating the extent a technology related district program and/or project has improved efficiency within the district, service to constituents/community, and/or improved transparency. Additional consideration will be given for submissions that highlight the innovative or unique use and implementation of technology as well as creative partnerships with other agencies or businesses.

Apply Now Criteria

Eligibility Criteria:
  • District must be a member in good standing of CSDA
Evaluation Criteria
  • Innovative, unique use of technology; and/or
  • Extent technology improved efficiency; and/or
  • Extent technology improved service to constituents/community; and/or
  • Extent technology improved transparency; and/or
  • Creative partnerships in technology to benefit district/constituents/community

REQUIREMENTS: The district must be a CSDA Member in good standing and must submit the online nomination form, including an executive summary not to exceed 2,000 words, by the deadline of Thursday, May 1, 2025.

CSDA uses a platform called Oxford Abstracts where submitters must create a login (username and password) in order to submit their nomination. This also allows submitters the option of completing their submission at a later time and/or editing their submission at any time until the deadline.

NOTE: Members are welcome to resubmit previous CSDA award nominations that were not selected; however, for the district award categories, the program/project/event must have been completed within the past two years (not prior to 2023).

OPTIONAL: Districts may also submit up to two attachments of supporting materials (documents not to exceed two pages each). HINT: This helps make your nomination stronger!  Examples of supporting documents: letters of recommendation, special project reports or budgets, awards received, event/marketing collateral, photos, and video/media links.


If you have any questions regarding the awards process, email awards@csda.net or call the CSDA office at (916) 442-7887. 

Beacon Program and Awards

There is additional award recognition opportunities for special districts through affiliate organization, the Institute for Local Government (ILG). For the past 13 years, the Institute for Local Government’s Beacon Program has provided a framework for local governments to be recognized for voluntary efforts that contribute to more sustainable and resilient communities. Special districts are eligible to join the program and apply for awards consideration. 

Learn more and apply to join!