
2024 Board Secretary/Clerk Confernce mark
October 21-23, 2024 | San Diego, CA

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Keynote Speaker

Headshot of Laurie Guest

Laurie Guest

The 10 Cent Decision: How Small Change Pays Off Big

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
8:30 – 9:45 a.m.

Service is at the core of special districts. From staff and board culture to interactions with the public, the choices we make day in and day out have the potential to create exceptional experiences for everyone involved. Sure, some decisions are big ones. But more often, it’s the “10¢ decisions”—the ones a barely cost a dime but have a massive impact––that can transform service from so-so to stellar. With decades of firsthand experience to draw from, Laurie shares her insights into making smart, effective choices to improve guest encounters and staff satisfaction.


Image of San Diego Marriott Mission Valley
October 21 - 23, 2023 - San Diego

San Diego Marriott Mission Valley
8757 Rio San Diego Dr.
San Diego, CA 92108


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